Indiana House Bill 1040 restores parental control in education. Advance America shares important information about HB1040 and asks that you call or email your Indiana Representative and ask that he or she support this important bill. Public schools should focus on academics not indoctrination.
This bill encompasses many different areas of concern in public schools. A few areas addressed are Covid mandates, pornography, critical race theory, anti-American instruction, and social emotional learning. See the complete list at Advance America.
Download a flyer and read complete details at Advance America.
Please email or call your Representative right away with the following message:
“Please support House Bill 1040 by Representatives Prescott, Jeter, Morrison and Davis to protect the children in the public schools from inappropriate and harmful instruction and government mandates. This is the only bill that will protect every child in every public school in Indiana.”
Find your legislators here.
Indiana House of Representatives: 1-800-382-9842