Attacks on Faith, No to Woke, Protect Kids - AFA-IN

Attacks on Faith, No to Woke, Protect Kids – American Family Association of Indiana

Protecting Hoosier Children

There are two bills I want to mention in today’s email that concern the protection of children. Both bills could use calls to Representatives in support of them. (317-232-9600)

House Bill 1646 (Morris) concerns sexually abusive materials involving children. The bill allows the Indiana Attorney General to act against corporations that knowingly make such matter available through, for example, online servers. In other words, the AG could assess massive fines against Big Tech for allowing internet pornography or crimes against children.

House Bill 1503 (Speedy) concerns the regulation of sexually oriented businesses that operate near child-centered businesses. For example, I am aware of an adult bookstore opening near a Skyzone which is a business that caters to families and children. This bill passed the House with a strong bi-partisan vote last year, but sadly, saw no action in the Senate.

Americans Not in with Woke Businesses

A new Rasmussen poll finds that only 9% of adults think that the most important issues for companies to focus on are “causes like diversity and environmentalism.” An overwhelming 82% said there are other issues businesses should focus on, for example, 69% said companies should focus on “providing quality goods and services.” (What a novel idea!)

Perception vs Reality

Last week White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre pushed for an “assault weapons” ban at the federal level, saying, “The last time we had an ‘assault weapons’ ban on the books, thanks to the President and Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) leadership, mass shootings actually went down.” Ironically, she was reacting to a recent mass shooting in California which has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation, including an “assault weapons” ban.

Her claim was debunked many years ago in a study by the Department of Justice’s National Institute of Justice. The NIJ made clear that the ban could not be credited with any reduction in crime. University of Pennsylvania professor Christopher Koper, the author of the NIJ report, wrote, “We cannot clearly credit the ban with any of the nation’s recent drop in gun violence. And, indeed, there has been no discernible reduction in the lethality and injuriousness of gun violence. . . The ban’s effects on gun violence are likely to be small at best and perhaps too small for reliable measurement.”

Senator Young Quickly Proven Wrong

Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council, has written a blistering article specifically going after Indiana Senator Todd Young for his support of the misnamed “Respect for Marriage Act” that deserves to be read.

In the article, he points out how wrong Young was and how quickly he was proven so by a Christian police officer. The officer just lost his job for a Facebook post on his personal page in which he stated that marriage is the union of a man and a woman.

This was exactly what legal experts warned would happen if this bill became law. (President Biden gleefully signed it into law a month ago.) The religious protections in the bill that Sen. Young hid behind, only really protected pastors in churches. In this case, this aspiring young police officer simply cited the Bible and what it says about marriage. Within 24 hours he was compared to a racist, required to turn in his badge, and placed on administrative leave by his superiors. So much for religious freedom and free speech. Please take a minute to read this powerful article:

Faith Under Fire

Last week I saw a local headline but forgot to go back and read it. Later I read about it from former Reagan Domestic Policy Advisor Gary Bauer. He sums it up far better than I could. He wrote:

“When a criminal discovers faith and accepts Jesus, that’s usually something to celebrate. Men and women who are changed by faith are less likely to fall back into a life of crime. But if you’re a radical secular atheist such conversions are cause for concern and anger.

Over the last four years, more than 300 inmates in the Decatur County, Indiana, prison system have embraced Christianity and were baptized. I’d love to see someone follow the lives of those individuals and report back a few years from now.

Unfortunately, the intolerant bigots at the Freedom From Religion Foundation aren’t celebrating these changed lives. In fact, they’re downright indignant and demanding that the faith-based programs in the prisons be shutdown.

For decades, we’ve been told that in deference to the child in the public school who is an atheist, school prayer had to be taken away for all children. In America, it’s “live and let live,” and that child shouldn’t be forced to hear a prayer.

Well, the Freedom From Religion Foundation is a left-wing atheist group. But there’s no “live and let live” with the left. No one is claiming that an atheist prisoner in Decatur County, Indiana, was forced to be baptized. The radical atheists just don’t want religion anywhere.

The left initially says that it just wants “tolerance and inclusion.” But it quickly starts making demands and forcing its values on the rest of us, like forcing men and women of faith to perform abortions, participate in same-sex marriages or changing a child’s gender without their parents’ knowledge.”

Let us Know

As I mentioned last week, we are surveying our supporters to see how we are doing as an organization. If you support AFA-IN and would like to take the survey, click here:

In Their Own Words:

“The transcendent and overruling principle of the first settlers of New England was conscience.” – John Quincy Adams


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