Take the Pledge!

Take the Pledge!

Take the Pledge! Take the Pledge: Vote in person on Election Day Election integrity is currently under scrutiny in America. Recently released movies like 2000 Mules and Selection Code cast doubt on the security of our elections. In addition, the sophisticated fraud...

Whistleblower: The Enemy Within

FBI Whistleblower: The Enemy Within This important video from Turning Point USA with an FBI Whistleblower about the enemy within our government was shared by one of our readers. Blurb from Rumble: “In this exclusive interview, Turning Point USA sits down with...

Election Integrity Scorecard

The Heritage Foundation has released its Election Integrity Scorecard: Assessing the Status of State Laws Needed for Election Fairness and Security.  Every citizen’s vote is sacred. The vote is how we guarantee that our government remains of the people, by the...

Latest IN Court Move

Legal Battle Over Abortion Continues Last week Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita filed a motion to throw out the injunction putting our state’s new abortion law on hold. That injunction was granted to the ACLU of Indiana in their attempt to block the law while the...