Big Government Overreach

Big Government Overreach Supposedly this TikTok video (source unknown) was produced 60 years ago. Were you taught this information in school? It’s a very sobering reminder of the power of big government overreach and the loss of liberty.... Shocking Evidence Claim Shocking Evidence Claim Shocking Evidence Claim will broadcast “The Pit” this Saturday, August 13, 2022, at Noon on Right Side Broadcasting network with claims of earth-shattering election issues. It’s a must watch!! History in the making. True the Vote... Shocking Evidence Claim

Dearborn County Town Hall

Dearborn County Town Hall There are still concerns about the 2020 election. Local citizens have wondered about the accuracy of our vote record, so a limited canvass sample was performed in Dearborn County. Of the 137 doors we knocked on, 85 answered. Thank you. That...