Legislation With Our Values

Legislation With Our Values Micah Clark of American Family Association of Indiana informs us of how the 2022 legislative session wrapped up in Indiana. They Did Do a Few Things for Our Values            The 2022 Indiana legislature ended last week.  As you may...

Bill to Federalize CRT

Hoosiers are concerned about Critical Race Theory that is taught in some Indiana schools. Stanley Kurtz informs us there is a federal “revised version of the Civics Secures Democracy Act (CSDA), a bill that would turn CRT and “action civics” (leftist protests...
Indiana Election Exposé

Indiana Election Exposé

Indiana Election Exposé on March 19 Dr. Shawn Benzinger of You Count Indiana interviewed Marie from Indiana First Audit. Hoosiers from ALL 92 counties are a part of Indiana First Audit. You may remember hearing about America First Audit groups on Steve Bannon’s...