AFA-IN Statement on Supreme Court Abortion Ruling

News Release   Pro-Life, Pro-Family Organization Celebrates Supreme Court Ruling Calls Upon the Indiana Legislature to Protect the Unborn Contact: Micah Clark, 317-850-2897 June 24, 2022 The American Family Association of Indiana, a leading pro-life and...

Making Good Men, Pride in What?

You Will Celebrate Pride Month, or Else! Well, it is June, and “woke” corporate America and the liberal media’s over-the-top promotion of homosexuality is in full swing. Is this really a lifestyle our culture should promote as a good thing? You may want to look at a...

Abortion Freak Out, Attitude Changes

The Battle for Life Last week Governor Holcomb was asked about calling a special session of the legislature to address abortion based upon the Supreme Court ruling that we expect to see formally in June. He was asked about this in part because 100 pro-life...