Fox News Sued But Not HBO

Election Integrity

It is very strange to see one company being sued for negative allegations but not another.

Months before Fox News, HBO aired voting machine allegations in a documentary. It wasn’t sued

A 2020 HBO documentary highlighted allegations that Dominion voting equipment is vulnerable to hacking.

By Natalia Mittelstadt • March 2, 2023 • Subscribe to Just the News here.

While Dominion Voting Systems is suing Fox News for $1.6 billion for defamation for reporting on allegations its voting machines were hacked and flipped election results in the 2020 presidential election, the company hasn’t taken legal action against HBO for a 2020 documentary detailing the alleged vulnerabilities of its machines.

HBO’s “Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America’s Elections” includes interviews with politicians, cybersecurity experts and hackers discussing issues with voting machines. Released in March 2020, the documentary is still available to watch on HBO Max.

One of the hackers interviewed, Harri Hursti, successfully hacked a Diebold Election Systems voting machine in a 2005 test and changed the votes in one step without a trace, according to an April 2020 Forbes article about “Kill Chain.”

Read more here.

Fox News Sued But Not HBO -Voter on Election Day

Fox News Sued But Not HBO -Voter on Election Day

William Daugherity, Ph.D Harvard, Professor Emeritus, Texas A&M

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