Holcomb Veto & Woke-ism

2022 Candidates, Elections, Gender

Micah Clark at American Family Association of Indiana shares about how Hoosiers oppose Governor Holcomb’s Veto & Woke-ism.

Hoosiers Say No to Governor Holcomb and Woke-ism

A new poll of over 1,000 likely voters in Indiana finds strong opposition to key parts of the cultural craziness often called “woke-ism” or “wokeness.”

The poll finds that 65% of Hoosiers support legislation protecting girls’ sports from trans activist biological males. Additionally, 56% support legislation prohibiting K-3 students from learning about sexual orientation and gender identity. A strong majority (65%) don’t want minor children to be able to access risky gender-reassignment surgeries, puberty blockers, and cross-sex hormones. (Such procedures and drugs can sterilize these confused children for life and elevate their suicide risks.)

The top news headline from this survey is that most Hoosiers oppose Governor Holcomb’s veto of House Bill 1041, the Fairness in Girls’ Sports Act. Yet, just because the public supports an override of the governor’s veto, don’t automatically assume that the legislature, especially the Senate, will follow it. You should contact your House and Senate members about the override vote which could occur in May. You can leave a message for your Senator at 317-232-9400 and your House member at 317-232-9600.

I was asked to write an editorial on this for the Indianapolis Business Journal. It appeared last week. Here it is:

The Legislature was Right to Pass Girls’ Sports Bill

On March 21, Governor Eric Holcomb shocked many legislators and Hoosiers with his unexpected veto of House Bill 1041, the Fairness in Girls’ Sports Act. HB 1041 had easily passed both chambers with 64% support of the Senate and 66% support of the House. These votes are consistent with a Gallup Poll (5/21) finding that by two to one, 62% vs 34%, Americans believe that biological males should not be allowed to participate in competitive girls’ sports.

According to ABC News, 37 state legislatures have bills filed to protect the competitive balance of girls’ sports from the disadvantages male participation would create. Fourteen states have passed laws like House Bill 1041. Twelve state legislatures passed and enacted such bills. South Dakota did so by Executive Order. Two others Indiana, and Utah, have seen governors’ vetoes. Utah’s legislature easily overrode their governor, gaining four votes in the override.

Indiana’s effort to protect girls’ school sports from athletes who are biological males but desire to be viewed as females is not unique. What is unique is Governor Holcomb’s veto. The Governor is concerned about legal challenges to HB 1041. Were Indiana an outlier and the only state to consider such a bill, his argument might have merit. However, blocking a common legislative effort because of fear of a lawsuit is troublesome. This sends a signal to every special interest group that if you can’t stop a popular bill, threaten a lawsuit.

It is worth noting that Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita has stated his strong support for this legislation and his intent to defend it in court, if necessary.

If the Governor had legitimate and specific concerns about HB 1041 at any point during the legislative process, he could have asked leadership to address those concerns. His party has a supermajority. They controlled the bill each step of the way. One can only assume he never raised legitimate points.

The legislature will return on May 24th for a technical corrections day. They can override the Governor’s veto with a simple majority then. They need to do this to protect competition for Hoosier female athletes, many of whom could receive college scholarships based upon their performance. There is another, often overlooked, reason.

There is more than just fairness here. This legislation is morally right. If Indiana cannot say that a court, a track, or a pool are gender-specific, then there is no logical basis for saying that a school locker room or shower is gender-specific. Such is the case with Lia Thomas, the anatomically male University of Pennsylvania swimmer who is breaking girls’ sports records after competing for years as a middle-ranked male. He showers with the girls’ swim team. This is NOT what Hoosier parents want happening in Indiana. A legislature shouldn’t wait to act until girls are placed in a position where their privacy and safety are at risk. Governor Holcomb’s veto must be reversed.

Micah Clark is the Executive Director of the
American Family Association of Indiana


Be an Informed Voter

Voting has opened for the Indiana May 3rd Primary Election. Do you know where the candidates stand? Our free online voter guide is now available. We do not have the ability to cover local candidates, but I-Voter Guide is a good place to start to see who shares your values.

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Holcomb Veto & Woke-ism - AFA-IN

Holcomb Veto & Woke-ism – American Family Association of Indiana

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