Was the Gov Rejected? Disney Flops, Gun Laws – American Family Association of Indiana
And Your Candidate’s Will Be . . .
Over the weekend nearly 1,800 delegates gathered for the Republican state party convention at the Indiana fairgrounds in Indianapolis. There were three candidates selected to be on the November ballot for statewide offices.
There were several good candidates running in the Republican convention for Treasurer and Secretary of State. The office of Auditor had only one candidate (Tera Klutz) who is running for re-election.
Perhaps the big story out of the convention was that former Mike Pence aide, Diego Morales, upset Governor Holcomb’s appointed incumbent Holli Sullivan for Secretary of State. Diego led right out of the gate by 286 votes, coming roughly 70 votes short of winning it outright. Diego, who had run a strong campaign for nearly two years, easily won the nomination on the second ballot. This was portrayed by several media sources as a rejection of Governor Holcomb.
The race for Treasurer was very close between Morgan County Republican County Chairman Dan Elliott and Boone County Councilwoman Elise Nieshalla. The race went back and forth with Dan Elliot winning on the third ballot by three votes. I believe that Elliot was competitive in large part due to his leading the fight to protect the marriage/pro-family plank in the party platform four years ago. Delegates remembered that and it was one of the items that drew his loudest applause line in his presentation speech.
Diego Morales will face Democrat Destiny Wells and Libertarian Jeff Mauer in November. For Auditor, Tera Klutz will face Democrat ZeNai Brooks a controller at Cummins Engine, and Dan Elliott will face Jessica McClellan the Treasurer of Monroe County. A Democrat has not held any of these statewide offices in 30 years. Both Morales and Elliott were endorsed by AFA of Indiana’s PAC.
Will it Make America Safer?
There is a lot of attention in the media on a group of Senate Republicans who are siding with Democrats to pass legislation for more gun control like magazine capacity limits, red flag laws, and more restrictions on so-called “assault weapons.”
Will it work to make America safer? If one looks to California as an example the answer is probably not. An FBI report finds that in the last two decades California has had more “active shooter” and mass shooting incidents than any other state. Yet, the Golden State has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation.
For starters, California has universal background checks, an “assault weapons” ban, a “high capacity” magazine ban, a 10-day waiting period on gun purchases, a red flag law, gun registration requirements, a “good cause” requirement for concealed carry permit issuance, a ban on carrying a gun on a college campus for self-defense, a ban on K-12 teachers being armed on campus for classroom defense, a background check requirement for ammunition purchases, and a limit on the number of guns a law-abiding citizen can purchase in a given month.
Interestingly, one site placed these active shooter incidents on a state chart with California at the top. Indiana was ranked at the very bottom.
Disney’s Gay Flop
The “woke” folks at the Disney Corporation blew it with their new kids’ movie Lightyear. There wasn’t much box office buzz about Buzz Lightyear this opening weekend after news leaked of a homosexual kiss scene being inserted into the popular Toy Story series.
Box office experts predicted that Lightyear would gross about $85 million in the US during its opening weekend a few days ago. Instead, it took in a dismal $51 million. It fared poorly across the globe too, taking in only $34 million overseas. This was far short of the $60 million predicted in global box office openings.
Once again, the adage comes true – “Go Woke, Go Broke.”
Secular Recognition of America’s Spiritual Decline
For the past two decades, Gallup Polling has tracked Americans’ perception of the nation’s “moral values.” Gallup’s Values and Beliefs poll conducted last month recorded the highest ranking ever as rating America’s moral values as bad. The lopsided finding reveals that 50% of Americans rate our moral values as poor (the highest on record by one percentage point.) Thirty-seven percent of those polled say U.S. morals are “only fair.” A mere 12% say the state of moral values is “good,” and only a mere 1% say America’s values are “excellent.”
Gallup claims Republicans’ “increasingly negative assessment” of the country’s moral values is mostly responsible for this record-high rating. However, 36 percent of Democrats also say the state of moral values is poor, with only 48 percent rating the condition of US values as only fair. Only 15 percent of Democrats say America’s moral condition is either excellent or good.
Both Republicans (93 percent) and Democrats (68 percent) say moral values in the U.S. are going downhill. Gallup noted that Democrats have gotten “significantly more pessimistic” since President Joe Biden took office when 49 percent thought values were declining. Seventy-four percent of independents say morals are getting worse.
There is not a great deal of clarity or unity on the major problems contributing to our low values. Most Americans (18 percent) point to “consideration of others” as the “most important problem with the state of moral values in the country today.”
Lack of faith/religion, lack of morals, sense of entitlement, and lack of family structure as a reason for the degeneration of morals in America are also cited.
Republicans are more likely to cite a lack of faith or religion than Democrats or Independents both of whom point to a lack of consideration.
I wonder if those pointing to a lack of consideration might agree with the suggestion to “love your neighbor as yourself” as one of the greatest teachings cited by Jesus in the Bible. Unfortunately, we can’t teach that in schools anymore, and our culture routinely mocks true followers of Christ.
Indiana Could Go Dark
A new report from the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) shows the power grid covering Indiana facing a risk of disruption from a combination of factors like drought, heat, potential cyber-attacks, geopolitical conflicts, and supply chain problems. The report warns that there is a risk of possible electrical energy shortfalls or interruptions this summer during peak energy use times that might impact many Hoosiers.
Stand for Life
A huge battle for life is about to break out with the pending Supreme Court ruling turning this issue back to the states. You can take a stand for life this Saturday at the Indiana Statehouse at 2 pm on the south lawn. Learn more about this here.
In Their Own Words:
“Men will be free no longer than while they remain virtuous.”
“Liberty will not long survive the total extinction of morals.” – Samuel Adams