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You Count, Indiana had an imortant interview with Edward Dowd. Ed shares information related to his deep-dive into statistics related to the C-19 injections. It is a “must watch” interview. Our complete blog post with links related to the interview may be found here.


Indiana Updates

Hackers Conference Vulnerability Reminder

Hackers Conference Vulnerability Reminder

Citizens know this is a problem. Why won’t our elected officials fix it?

Hackers’ confab shows vulnerabilities in election machines amid testing concerns ahead of November

Increasing the use of voting machines after the 2000 “didn’t fix the Bush v. Gore problem,” but “just made our elections less transparent,” Phill Kline said.

Natalia Mittelstadt • August 14, 2014 • Just the News


Hackers at a conference last weekend found numerous vulnerabilities in election machines while the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) confirmed that current voting systems to be used in the November election have not been tested by third parties for vulnerabilities.

While many vulnerabilities were found in election machines at the conference, Georgia is set to use outdated election machines for the November presidential election, and the EAC doesn’t have a standard testing process in place to search out vulnerabilities in election equipment.

At the annual DEF CON hacker conference in Las Vegas this past weekend, hackers hacked into election equipment from various manufacturers, including voting machines, e-pollbooks, and ballot tabulators, according to Politico. They found many vulnerabilities that they will release in a report soon, and noted that some of them haven’t been fixed for a long time.

Read more here.

Hackers Conference Vulnerability Reminder - Voting booth

Hackers Conference Vulnerability Reminder – Voting booth

The Importance of Cast Vote Records (CVR)

The Importance of Cast Vote Records (CVR)

Several counties are currently in the election recount process. How can citizens be assured fraudulent ballots are not being counted? Read this post with important information from Indiana First Action to learn more.

Newest release from William Daugherity on Cast Vote Records (“CVRs”)

Dr. Walter Daugherity, Ph.D Harvard, Professor Emeritus, Texas A&M

William Daugherity, Ph.D Harvard, Professor Emeritus, Texas A&M

William Daugherity, Ph.D Harvard, Professor Emeritus, Texas A&M

What is a CVR? It is an electronic record of a voter’s selections. Election results are produced by tabulating the collection of CVRs and audits can be done by comparisons of the paper ballots against the CVR. Listen for yourself!

National Institute of Standards and Technology (U.S. Department of Commerce) (NIST) standard states that CVRs are not confidential information, yet the Indiana Secretary of State office refuses to instruct county clerks to release them. Is the Secretary of State office violating this federal standard? Some clerks claim they were instructed that it was illegal for them to look at CVRs. If this is the case, how can clerks confidently certify their own elections? This renders the machines useless.

Indiana First Action met with Secretary of State Diego Morales and Kegan Prentice showing them the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) positions on CVRs and other states’ published CVRs. Was the Indiana Election Division’s guidance in error (Page 333 of 2024 Indiana Election Administrator’s Manual?)

Indiana First Action was told all of the vendors and the Indiana Election Division were called into Luke Britt’s office to discuss the dozens of complaints filed, and that no one at that meeting knew what a CVR was exactly.

Mr. Daugherity claims otherwise as you saw in this video.

Why did Senator Greg Walker push so hard to put forth a bill (SB224) deeming CVRs to be made private under state law when they are for the public?

Citizens have been told that Indiana elections are safe and secure. If our elections are truly safe and secure, that will be demonstrated easily via citizen analysis of the CVRs. If our elections are safe and secure, there should be no hesitation by our elected and appointed officials to release this information. However, no transparency, no trust. Give us transparency, and then we will trust.

Hackers Conference Vulnerability Reminder

Fulton County 2020 Election Problems

Who’s checking the fact-checkers?

Fulton County 2020 election problems, now confirmed, challenge media fact-checkers

The AP’s “fact-check” admitted that the county’s audit of the 2020 presidential race found errors, inconsistencies, and double counting of ballots. Then the AP added without citation that “the errors weren’t enough to alter the election results.” Who will guard the guards themselves?

Natalia Middelstadt • May 10, 2024 • Just the News

Media fact-checks have asserted that the 2020 presidential election in Georgia didn’t have serious irregularities. But more evidence regarding Fulton County’s handling of ballots and signature verification appear to challenge those claims.

Numerous issues have been documented regarding the 2020 presidential election in Georgia, specifically in Fulton County. The media repeatedly “fact-checked” these irregularities, despite confirmation of the issues by election officials. This has resulted in former President Donald Trump and other Republicans who raised concerns about election irregularities often being labeled “election deniers” by Democrats and the media.

Georgia election officials have recently confirmed issues that occurred in Fulton County amid the November 2020 election, resulting in more oversight for the 2024 general election.

Read more here.

Voter on Election Day

Voter on Election Day

New Election Integrity Program

New Election Integrity Program

Unfortunately, the 2020 election demonstrated the need for this effort.

Trump Campaign, RNC Unveil Massive Election Integrity Program

Leah Barkoukis • April 19, 2024 • TownHall

The Republican National Committee together with the Trump campaign announced Friday the launch of what they claim is the “most extensive and monumental election integrity program in the nation’s history.”

More than 100,000 volunteers and attorneys will work in each battleground state to ensure the 2024 elections are transparent and fair.

“Having the right people to count the ballots is just as important as turning out voters on Election Day,” former President Trump said in a statement. “Republicans are now working together to protect the vote and ensure a big win on November 5th!”

Read more here.

New Election Integrity Program

New Election Integrity Program

Non-Citizens Voting Since 2008

Non-Citizens Voting Since 2008

Citizens have been told that non-citizens cannot vote in US elections. Is that what is actually happening?

Non-Citizens Have Been Voting Since 2008

By David Catron • February 18, 2024 • The American Spectator
Why would a president running for reelection refuse to meet with the Speaker of the House to discuss a national crisis that most voters blame on the president himself? This would be regarded as bizarre behavior under any circumstances, but it’s particularly perverse considering that the crisis in question is illegal immigration — the signature issue of Biden’s probable challenger in November. Moreover, according to the RealClearPolitics polling average, 63 percent of the voters disapprove of the way he has handled immigration. Yet Biden refuses to discuss the problem. It’s almost as if he thinks it somehow works to his advantage.
What benefit would Biden gain by letting millions of illegal immigrants into the country? House speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) provided the answer during a recent appearance on Fox Business Network’s Mornings with Maria Bartiromo: “I genuinely believe that originally the idea was to bring people in, open the border, have the flow come in and turn them into voters, there’s no other reason that seems to make sense.” This has been dismissed as a conspiracy theory by the White House and its allies in the media. Yet Biden has often made public statements that suggest Johnson is right. In 2016, when he was Vice President, he put it thus:
Read more below:

Non-Citizens Have Been Voting Since 2008


Businessman hand putting voting paper in the ballot box, Voting concept, VECTOR, EPS10

Voter Roll Is Public Record

Voter Roll Is Public Record

This is a huge victory for citizens! Ruling and precedent out of the First Circuit Court of Appeals – voter rolls are PUBLIC RECORD. Public Interest Legal Foundation has been victorious in three other states.

This decision counters a growing trend: state efforts to dictate how concerned citizens may research voter files while acting under their NVRA inspection rights.

No more hiding voter rolls from the people. 

To learn about election integrity efforts in Indiana, visit Indiana First Action.


Public Interest Legal Foundation • February 5, 2024

Maine’s restrictions on the use of the voter roll were enacted to keep election watchdogs, like PILF, from analyzing and speaking about errors in the voter roll.

(Alexandria, VA) – February 5, 2024: The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) secured a landmark ruling for transparency and clean elections. The First Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in PILF’s favor that under the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA) Maine’s voter roll is a public record. The Court’s opinion states:

“Whether voter registration rolls are accurate and current cannot be determined without inspecting the Voter File…In other words, the evaluation of voter registration rolls would be impossible if the results of Maine’s voter list registration and maintenance activities were not subject to public disclosure. For the above reasons, Maine’s Voter File is a record concerning the implementation of programs and activities conducted for the purpose of ensuring the accuracy and currency of official lists of eligible voters and is thus subject to disclosure under Section 8.”

Additionally, the Court ruled that Maine’s fines and restrictions on the use of voter file data are illegal obstacles to achieving Congress’s intent for transparency and oversight under the NVRA. The Court’s opinion states:

“[T]he restrictions imposed by the Use Ban erect an impenetrable barrier for those seeking to use the Voter File to evaluate and enforce compliance with the NVRA nationwide.”

Read more here.

Voter Roll Is Public Record - Voter

Voter Roll Is Public Record – Voter

Voting Machine Tampered in Court

Voting Machine Tampered in Court

THE JIG IS UP… EXCLUSIVE: Local Reporter Describes Election Expert Halderman Breaking into Dominion Voting Machine and Changing Vote Totals During His Georgia Testimony

Jim Hoft • January 21, 2024 • Subscribe The Gateway Pundit

Update: After speaking with election integrity expert Garland Favorito, we discovered the courtroom display was much more serious than originally reported. J. Alex Halderman demonstrated in court how Dominion machines could be hacked and altered their tabulations.

On Friday, in a Federal Court In Atlanta, Georgia, University of Michigan Professor of Computer Science and Engineering J. Alex Halderman testified in front of Judge Amy Totenberg’s courtroom about the Dominion voting machines used in the Georgia elections since 2020.

As reported earlier, during his testimony, Halderman was able to HACK A DOMINION VOTING MACHINE and change the tabulations in front of U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg and the entire courtroom!


Read more here.

Voting Machine Tampered in Court - Elections 2020

Voting Machine Tampered in Court – Elections 2020

New Election Integrity Program

IFA Call To Action

Our friends at Indiana First Action need your help! See complete details below for IFA’s Call To Action.

Call To Action - #NoTransparencyNoTrust

Call To Action – #NoTransparencyNoTrust

So many of you ask how you can help. Here is a very simple 5 minute task. Please phone Representative Wesco at 317-232-9676; assistant is Spencer. He is the Chair of the House Election Committee. Share your enthusiastic support for HB 1286 by Representative Sweet.

You may leave a message if you get voicemail. Just be sure to state the message is for Representative Wesco, as most assistants support multiple reps.


Voting Machine Tampered in Court

Election Fraud 2020 Election

President Trump Releases Summary of Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election in the Swing States

This is a post by an independent journalist who goes by the name KanekoaTheGreat found on X formerly known as Twitter.

Election Fraud 2020 Election - Elections 2020

Election Fraud 2020 Election – Elections 2020.

JUST IN – President Trump Releases Summary of Election Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election in the Swing States

Introduction: It has often been repeated there is “no evidence” of fraud in the 2020 Election. In actuality, there is no evidence Joe Biden won.

Ongoing investigations in the Swing States reveal hundreds of thousands of votes were altered and/or not lawfully cast in the Presidential Election. Joe Biden needed them. On Election Night Nov. 3, 2020, President Donald J. Trump was sailing to reelection with landslide leads in numerous battlegrounds. In Georgia, President Trump was up by 12 points, and over 335,000 votes, with 56 percent of the vote in at 10:17 p.m. In Wisconsin, President Trump was leading by 121,380 votes and 5 points at 12:12 a.m., which Fox News anchor Bret Baier noted was “not a small margin.” In Pennsylvania, President Trump was leading by 659,145 votes at 12:38 a.m., a full 15 points. In Michigan, President Trump was leading by 293,052 votes and 10 points.

The election was over. However, precincts in Atlanta, Detroit, Philadelphia, Phoenix, and Milwaukee kept counting until the results reached the desired outcome, which was the opposite of the will of the voters. Georgia went from having a total of 4.7 million votes, already a record for the state, according to Brad Raffensperger’s count on Nov. 4, to certifying almost 5 million. This was 300,000 more votes than what the top elections official claimed were cast in the Election.

Getting to this result in Georgia, and other states, created an irredeemably compromised Election, filled with violations of the Constitution, unlawful ballots, widespread broken chain of custody, electronic manipulation, and missing and corrupted election files that made it uncertifiable — and impossible to recreate the results.

Read more here.

(Updated Info) Farmland Legislative Action Day 

(Updated Info) Farmland Legislative Action Day 

What is the LEAP Project that has Hoosiers alarmed? Rebecca Terrell of the The New American Magazine interviewed Pastor Jon Schrock about the LEAP Project in Boone County. It affects our water supply and other issues. Please watch and share it, and go to the Indiana Statehouse on January 9th to let your Senator and Representative know what you think. Remember, YOU count by making YOUR voice heard!
Jon Schrock Interview

Jon Schrock Interview

Reposting with permission of Pastor Jon Schrock:

Farmland Legislative Action Day 

January 9, 2024 • 11 a.m.

Indiana Statehouse

War on Farmers

War on Farmers

Indiana Senate GOP Indiana House Republicans leader fail the people of the State of Indiana!  Their care for the global elites is grotesque and Anti-American.  Their pro-Globalism anti-Indiana agenda is clear and apparent.
“Huston and other legislative leaders said they’re also not taking on new and controversial subjects like expanding gambling or regulating large water transfers.”
“And they’re not taking action on water, although some local units of government have bucked the Indiana Economic Development Corp’s (IEDC) plans to pipe millions of gallons of water daily from the Wabash Alluvial Aquifer to a massive high-tech development in Boone County.”
“The project is a fantastic project that promises to be really … transformational for Indiana,” said Bray, who said lawmakers haven’t “spent as much time on water as some other states … because we have had a lot of water, and we do have an awful lot of water.”
Read the whole article here!
The People of Indiana are coming to the Statehouse to speak with their legislators and voice their opinions.

Get Involved

Election Transparency


There is a shift in thinking when ‘WE’ understand that we are “at all times” able to “alter, reform and/or abolish” our government. We are not demanding nor asking. We’re just doing it.

Independent Voter Validation & Verification  Now more than ever, Americans are questioning the trustworthiness of the system by which we cast and count our votes. How does this get better? Voters can take action. What can voters do? Let’s start by helping to improve the accuracy of our voter rolls.

Indiana First Audit   

Did your vote in the 2020 election count? Indiana First Audit (IFA) mission is to educate Patriots, enact strong legislation, fill PCC roles, enact a Full Forensic Audit, fight fraud, #DitchMachines #PaperOnly, and RENEW State Election Integrity. IFA is a Hoosier-run citizen organization.

Public Interest Legal Foundation  

is a 501(c)(3) public interest law firm dedicated to election integrity. The Foundation exists to assist states and others to aid the cause of election integrity and fight against lawlessness in American elections. The Foundation is located in Indianapolis.

True The Vote restore America’s confidence in our electoral process.

US Term Limits

Mission is to enact and defend term limits on elected offices at all levels of government via the ballot box, legislatures and the courts with an ultimate aim of enacting a congressional term limits amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Medical Freedom

Hoosiers For Medical Liberty seeks to promote the social welfare of Hoosiers through the education of citizens and lawmakers in the state of Indiana regarding bodily autonomy, medical liberty, and informed consent.  Our goal is to unite all individuals and groups working around Indiana who promote advocacy for the protection and strengthening of these fundamental rights for all Hoosiers.

Parent-Controlled Education

Indiana Association of Home Educators Action mission is protect Hoosier home education freedom and parental rights by influencing the legislative process.  

Indiana Association of Home Educators
IAHE has been serving Indiana home educators since 1983. 

Purple For Parents Indiana informs, advocates, and engages Hoosiers to protect children from harmful agendas saturating the education system. We believe the responsibility of teaching morals and values to children are the parents/caregivers and NOT a government institution.

Pro Life

Hoosiers for Life believes every individual has the right to live. They work to ensure Hoosier babies will have protection at conception.

Second Amendment

We need great resources! Send us great resources!

Hoosier Godly Resources

Micah Beckwith is passionate about helping others unlock their God-given talents, and he enjoys sharing his deep understanding of American history with others.

General Issues

Community, government over-reach

Save-Indy mission is to protect our city and preserve a great place for our children to prosper in the future. By raising awareness and empowering other citizens to stand up, we aim to reverse the course of troubling trends plaguing the Hoosier state and our capitol city.


Indiana First Action

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You Count Indiana does not request funding ever, we need your involvement.